financlick financiacion empresas
Case study

Increasing financial success: Financlick's SEO journey to organic growth

1. Diagnosis

SEO CRO financlick
Financlick is a website tailored for businesses in search of funding. The company hired our digital marketing agency Semseo aiming for achieving a more relevant position within the online market. Due to this, the website has experienced remarkable growth and success online. We have achieved all this growth by focusing solely on search engine optimisation (SEO) and avoiding SEM campaigns, given the substantial investment required. Thanks to this, Financlick has managed to stand out in a highly competitive market, where large banks are the main contenders.

2. Action plan

  1. Keyword research: We have conducted an exhaustive keyword research within the online financial sector, with a special focus on business looking for funding.
  2. SEO optimisation: Implementation of technical improvements such as loading speed, mobile optimisation, metadata, header tags and ensure a search engine friendly URL structure.
  3. Value content strategy: Publication of finance articles, guides and case studies that not only attract traffic but also emerge Financlick as a reference in the financial sector.
  4. Improved user experience (UX): Redesign and optimisation of the website to ensure intuitive navigation and a proper user experience, encouraging site retention and conversion.
  5. Quality natural link building: Achievement of natural inbound links from websites of high authority and relevance, thus increasing the domain authority of Financlick.
  6. Local SEO optimisation: Ensuring that Financlick appears in relevant local searches, thus improving its visibility among Spanish companies looking for financing solutions.

3. Results

Visits per year.
Annual growth in vistits.
Top positions for the main keywords.
As a result, Financlick has managed to exceed 800,000 visits per year with an annual growth in vistits of close to 50%. Moreover, we have achieved to stand on the first page of search results, competing directly with Spain's leading banks. These results underline the effectiveness of a well-planned and executed SEO strategy, demonstrating that it is possible to achieve and exceed ambitious goals even in such a highly competitive market.

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