Legal notice

Legal notice. Article 10 de la LSSICE

Semseo Agency is a registered trademark of LA TEVA WEB SL.


  • Owner: LA TEVA WEB, SL
  • NIF: B64293533
  • Address: Entença 95, main floor, 08015 Barcelona, Spain
  • Phone: (34) 932 503 586

Company inscribed in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, tome 38848, folio 112, sheet B 337982, 1st inscription.

Privacy Policy

Responsible: Identity: LA TEVA WEB SL - NIF: B64293533. Address: Entença 95, main floor, 08015 Barcelona. Telephone: 932 503 586. E-mail:

On behalf of the company, we treat the information provided to us in order to send advertising related to our services by any means (postal, email or telephone). The data provided will be preserved while not requesting the cessation of the activity.The data will not be transferred to third parties except in those cases where there is a legal obligation. You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether LA TEVA WEB SL is treating your personal data so you have the right to access your personal data, rectify the inaccurate data or request your deletion when the data are no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected.

Intellectual property and responsibility for content

Any use of the website content is prohibited, specifically the text, design and source code, without the express authorisation of its owners. Any unauthorised use will be pursued by the legitimate owners.

The owner of the website will not be held responsible for the content of the sites to which links on this website may lead, in accordance with article 17 of the LSSICE.


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